Senin, 23 April 2012

Banging Before Class

I hated shop class. Mainly because I am not mechanically inclined. All the 'cool' kids, you know the ones - could barely spell their name, but could weld a tree stand together in 27 minutes - would mock me for my failings...I did successfully create a solid uncut steel rod once though!
But on April 4th, a teacher of shop class at William H. Neff Center (a vocational school) in Abingdon, Virginia, decided that he was fed up with his unruly students. Manuael Ernest Dillow, 60, lined 12 students up against a wall, pulled a handgun from his waistband, and fired as many as ten shots at the screaming teenagers. Luckily the gun, and possibly Dillow as well, was only firing blanks.
Dillow had borrowed the gun from a criminal justice class and thought that making his students piss themselves would be the best way to maintain order in the classroom. After all, it's hard to be the big man in the room when your clothes are wet and you are standing in a puddle of yellow liquid.
Dillow was arrested and charged with 12 felonies. That's one felony for every donut the arresting officer had to forfeit to go arrest this ass clown.
Personally, I don't see the harm. They threw a fake grenade at Captain America, why not fire fake bullets at adolescents - do they think they are better than him? Maybe if they hadn't been such babies about it, they would have been selected to wear a goofy outfit so they could fight Nazi's with what basically amounted to a patriotically colored trash can lid.
Besides, in this age of terrorism, wasn't Dillow doing the kids a favor? According to former President, George Bush, terrorists could pop up anywhere, at anytime, and I am sure they would be using real bullets. These kids can probably use this experience to help prevent future hijackings and stuff. Imagine going into your local Kinko's and suddenly Al-Qaeda is waving a Glock in your face - these kids would know exactly how to scream and fall to make the terrorists think all Americans are retarded so attacking us is kind of pointless. They see one of these guys wetting themselves and falling to the ground crying and flopping like a fish, and they may be like "Achmed, perhaps we give the United States too much credit."
I'm not the only one who feels this way because "many parents have come forward in support of what this teacher did." Those parents probably didn't have kids in his class at the time or they weren't selected to be fired upon. I know if I could have watched a teacher humiliate a bully, I would support that teachers actions everyday! Maybe he should have put one real bullet in the chamber and shot a hole in the wall before turning the blanks on the students - that would have really scarred them for life!
I think we should use this outside the classroom too! Think about it, see someone jay-walking - just fire a warning shot! That will teach them to cross at a cross-walk! Or how about when you are late for work and the line is long at Dunkin Donuts? You could fire blanks and move to the front of the line! They may even comp your coffee that day! I'll bet it would work at concerts, movies, and sporting events too. You could even get your pastor to exclude you from tithing on Sunday by waving around this wondrous toy! Using the blanks to force down prices or get better deals is a great idea too! Bet you could even use it to reenact history by 'convincing' natives to give up their property with them!
Santa already is a big fan and I bet Jesus and the Easter Bunny would happily get on board!
All in all, I think this just shows that sometimes the threat of force can have the same results as the force itself - at least in terms of prison sentences...

Rabu, 18 April 2012

No Diving Allowed, So I Am Going To Belly-Flop

Ever hallucinated while driving? Ever been busy texting, adjusting the radio, applying makeup, calling your friends, grabbing your coffee that you dropped in the floor, or any combination of all these, and realized that you were about to hit something or someone? And was that something you almost collided with a planet? 
A pilot for Air Canada was flying passengers from Toronto to Zurich - funny how some of the best jokes start this way... Anyway, it is apparently okay for pilots to set an alarm clock and take a nap during flights! I mean, why not let the one person who is responsible for the lives and safety of everyone on-board sleep during the boring parts! The perfectly allowed nap was supposed to be only 40 minutes by Canadian regulations, but the crafty pilot managed to sleep for an additional 35 minutes! 
Maybe this is why the cock pits are locked...think about hard would it be to take over a plane if the pilots were sleeping when you attempted to hijack it? It also makes me wonder how many plane crashes were due to heavy sleeping? The alarm is going off in the background, but Captain Jim doesn't hear it and the next thing you know the plane hits a mountain.
Anyway, back to Air Canada...the pilot woke up disoriented. He saw a bright light directly in front of him and freaked out - thinking it was a US C-17 cargo plane headed straight for him! He threw the plane into a nose dive before the co-pilot realized that they were about to collide with the C-17 (which was actually supposed to be below them at 34,000 feet)! The co-pilot pulled on the stick causing the plane to quickly ascend back into the sky. In the span of a few seconds the plane dropped and rose 400 feet - all to avoid hitting Venus. Seconds after pulling back up the C-17 passed 600 feet under them!
That's right...the mystery light that the pilot was so worried about hitting was Venus. The second planet from the sun. Unless we have suddenly acquired the technology from Star Wars, I have to ask what the pilot was smoking before his nap. Because if he was fucked up in some way, at least then it would make sense. After all, once while drinking absinthe, I thought Mars was going to fall on me and crush me like a Cheez-It.
16 passengers were injured during the rise and fall of flight of Air Canada 878. The passengers described the flight as something from a horror movie. People were being thrown around, food carts were on the ceiling, flight attendants ended up in some guys lap - okay that last part might not have been that bad...Imagine that you are sleeping, your seat-belt is undone, and suddenly everyone is screaming and you're on the ceiling! I imagine it looked like a life size version of Hungry, Hungry Hippos - only replace the marbles with people and the hippos with parts of the plane! 
I wonder if anyone was in the bathroom trying to join the mile high club? If so, do you think they may have thought they caused the turbulence? She could have been like "Brad did the plane move?" and he would have answered "Yeah baby, it moved for me too."
The flight crew supposedly offered all the passengers free peanuts and coffee to smooth the situation over. Then they suggested that even though the fasten seat-belts light was not on, perhaps everyone should wear one for the rest of the flight.
This story, along with the one I told you a few weeks back about the pilot wanting to take people to see Jesus, is one of the reasons I drive everywhere. And at least while driving, I won't end up on Venus...

Jumat, 13 April 2012

Integration of Church and State

Folks, it's time to get back to what's important: namely the reintegration of church and state! I can't tell you how great this idea actually is, but I know it must be because so many people seem to advocate this concept!
That's why I applaud Southwest DeKalb High School for holding their graduation at the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. And I am appalled that one student is refusing to attend because she feels it violates this imaginary idea of separation of church and state. Sure the Constitution says that church and state should be separate but that was just a suggestion! Besides, the Constitution is a dead letter anyway, right? It's not like anyone follows that thing anymore! And even if people did still respect the Constitution, we all know that they didn't mean that part about religion anymore than your parents meant to lie to you about Santa Claus or about Jesus even being born in December.
We all know that the only reason they even hinted at that was make sure people didn't accuse of copying Rome by naming our countries leader Pope. The signs are all there that church and state are meant to be united! That's why in the 50's we added a line to the Pledge of Allegiance stating we lived in "One Nation, under God." Our leaders knew that the best way to fight 'godless commies' was to make them say oaths to a deity they didn't share.
The school is merely trying to teach kids what's important: Jesus.They don't care if the student body is comprised of Muslim, Jew, or any other non-Christian group, they insist on teaching kids a concept you can also learn from playing football - if you are gonna make it in this world, it will require a few 'Hail Marys'. They also know that any students that enter the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church will be permanently converted to Christianity with no take backs. Why do you think it's called 'New Birth', duh!
But apparently, Nahkoura Mahnassi, a 16-year-old student, feels that she shouldn't be forced to attend because she isn't a Christian...
My question is, why should she be special? Everyone else in America is forced to do lots of things by Christians! Want birth control? Well, your Christian boss may not approve it for your insurance plan. Want an abortion? Well, your Christian neighbor's may burn your house down. Want to have an occasional drink or sex-fueled orgy? Your Christian colleagues will gossip about that for months and tell people that you are the devil.
Because that's the best part of being a Christian! You get to forget everything that the bible says about not judging and loving everyone as you love yourself, and instead criticize anything that you want! And if you happen to 'sin' in a way that you previously criticized, well that just means you fell along the path and will soon be back on the straight and narrow - unlike that one guy who did the same thing, he's a monster!
Take the pastor of the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, Eddie Long, for instance. Eddie was accused of sexual misconduct with underage boys back in 2010. But Eddie settled out of court and then he repented of his sins! I know I love the idea that my son can get life advice from a guy who may or may not have molested other boys! Imagine the pearls of wisdom he could give on making the situation less awkward!
I think Nakhoura is being uppity - where else does she expect the school to hold a ceremony for one of the largest graduating classes from SDHS? You can't expect kids to graduate on a football field like my class did!
So Nakhoura, I say deal with it. The law is on their side...mainly because they wrote, interpret, and enforce it.

Kamis, 12 April 2012

My Award Winning Honorable Mention

Today I did something that I don't usually do - I competed in a contest. Now, don't get me wrong, it's not that I am not competitive, I just don't like vying for prizes. Most competitions make me think it's gym class again and I'm being picked last for Dodge, I can't dodge a wrench so please don't throw that!
This contest was different was a poetry contest. Okay so people compete in poetry contests all the time, how can this one be any different? Because they let me enter a poem that was born here - in Sympathy For.
The competition started off fiercely, you could see the poets measuring each other up like a they were about to cage fight! One guy gave me a look that said, "hey man, you're pretty cool" so I responded with a look that said "oh yeah, well up yours too, buddy." One of the poet's went to grab my arm under the guise of wishing me luck, sure she said she was just going to shake my hand but I know how hard it is to read with a broken wrist! I saw through their smiles and knew that secretly they were wolves waiting for a calf to stray from the herd - I knew I had to be vigilant! I responded with a smug expression that let the whole world know - I got this.
One by one, they read their poems...then it was my turn. I got up and looked into the audience - and after suppressing the urge to vomit, scream for my mother, and run from the room...I glanced at my poem.
I knew it was good because I had written it using my blogs as source material . I had compiled an avant garde poem (a poem meant to push boundaries of what is acceptable). I built this poem line by line taking random sentences from random blogs linked together in a way that was meant to amaze and stun. With all the grace of a drunken reindeer, I began to read. My goal here was to shock and awe the audience and not let on that I was afraid that the bears could burst in and end our gathering at any minute...
 And I succeeded (also the bears didn't burst in and end our gathering).
No, I didn't win (as my title suggests) but they felt so bad for me that they created a whole new category: Most Creative Use of Imagery. They awarded me this title, along with a gift card to Barnes & Noble, snapped my picture and shook my hand.
The other participants were good and each deserved to win. I am, after all, not a you will soon see.
Maybe if I had talked about that guy that loved dolphins, or maybe if I had mentioned my take on Valemercialism Day, I would have stood a better chance at winning.
Maybe...or maybe I should stick to what I do best...

Selasa, 10 April 2012

Easter Is A Booming Business

Easter egg hunts don't usually end with a bang, but the one that took place in Holford, England got kind of explosive. Normally these events blow up due to parents fighting over the eggs their children are hunting for - but the reasons for this flare up was less Jerry Springer and more Michael Bay.
That's because a three-year-old boy found a hand grenade hidden among the eggs and candy. Technically, the three-year-old boy was just standing on top of it and a nearby Stuart Moffatt, a 34-year-old father of three, actually saw the incendiary device.
Stuart was there with his wife Victoria (a very British sounding name) and their two girls Nelly, 5, Isla, 2, and son, Freddie, 11 months. "We were just counting up the eggs when I looked over and saw what looked like an egg," Stuart said. "The boy was just standing there and thought it was a rock." I think Stuart planned to snake an extra Easter egg for his kids. Stuart soon realized though that "it was no Easter egg."
The bomb squad was called out and everyone was moved out of the area. Police identified the device as a World War II hand grenade. They then determined the best way to deal with the device would be to pull the pin and toss it in a field. I imagine they high-fived each other afterwards!
I think the kids could have come up with the same solution. Of course, they may have wanted to dye it with cochineal beetles before "blowing the thing to kingdom come." I mean, the cops aren't there for five minutes before they decide that the best thing they can do with a relic from World War II is blow it the hell up! Doesn't stuff like this belong in a museum? Shouldn't they have tried to disarm it and then put it on display somewhere? That's like finding an old beer keg and just deciding to drink whatever happened to be inside it. You aren't even sure it's beer - its been sitting in Eddie's barn for 30 years - but you decide to drink it anyway!
If my kid had found a grenade, I would have never called the police. That would be going in daddy's closet. I would have paid kids a quarter each to find me more! I may have even offered a dollar pound to any kid that found me a landmine! After all, explosives are the best way to keep Jehovah Witnesses off the lawn!
I think instead of hiding eggs to celebrate fertility, we should hide weapons and ordinance to celebrate America! We could call it the Annual Bomb Raid!
Think about it - little Johnnie is wandering around looking for ammunition and maybe a new Glock! They could even manufacture the shell casings in pretty pastel colors! Winchester, I think you are missing out on a potential gold mine - after all Santa is packing so why shouldn't the Easter Bunny be?

Minggu, 08 April 2012

I'd Order A Coffee, But Something Has Been Bugging Me

Ah, Easter. A day dedicated to junk food hiding beneath the guise of a religious veneer. How many of you today went out hiding eggs? And how many of you used food coloring to dye those eggs? And how much of that food coloring was made from bugs?
I ask because Starbucks is once again in the media. What did they do to earn the spotlight this time? They stopped using artificial food coloring agents and started using all natural dyes. Now this sounds like a good thing, right? So, why are people upset that Starbucks is using these natural dyes in their Strawberries & Creme Frappuccino's? Because those drinks are dyed using crushed up cochineal bugs. And what are cochineal bugs?
Well, glad you asked!
Cochineal Beetles are native to Mexico and South America. They feed predominately on cacti, and most importantly, they make a pretty shade of red when crushed! These bugs are crushed up and put in everything from Yoplait Yogurts to Revlon lipstick to some Kellogg's Poptarts - even in Popsicles! Basically, if it is colored red and has no artificial coloring then it is made from bugs!
In fact, the beetle has been used for almost 1,000 years to dye fabrics. This stuff is used almost everywhere! Because they produce Carminic acid, the dye is usually called carmine dye.
Vegans are up in arms with Starbucks, because they naturally want to avoid bug tainted coffee drinks. I don't see what the big deal is - it's not like insects count as meat anyway! Plus, there are bugs in almost every grain that is sold in a grocery store! That's right, think about that when you eat Spaghetti and Boll Weevils.
Besides, what will they use to dye the Strawberry Frap's red if they don't use the beetles? You expect them to use strawberries? That's crazy talk! The only thing crazier would be to not dye it at all! It only makes sense that a strawberry drink be dyed to look like strawberries. No one wants to drink a strawberry drink that resembles water! I'm sure that if you ask people, they would much rather keep the red dye in all the foods using it. Why do you think some flavors of Snapple have a protein statistic? It's because they use this beetle!
I think Vegan's just need to suck it up...after all that's why Starbuck's provides a straw with all their iced coffee beverages...

Kamis, 05 April 2012

I Am Sick Of These Mother@#$%ing Snakes On This Mother&^%$ing Plane!

Sometimes I wonder if there is a God. And then sometimes I think, if there is he probably has a great sense of humor. Probably watches a lot of B Movies, smokes a little of the good shit, and laughs at the situations we end up in.
Because otherwise, what happened to Braden Blennerhassett is just an incredible coincidence.
Braden is a typical pilot from Australia. He likes Foster's Beer and always orders the Alice Springs Chicken, but shortly after taking off on Tuesday his typical day became anything but!
To quote Braden who was quoting Samuel L Jackson, "I've got snakes on a plane."
That's right as in a serpent. On his plane. Apparently a Golden Tree Snake had chased a frog onto the plane and just as Braden was leveling the plane off, the snake made its appearance - by slithering down his leg.
Now, rest easy folks...Golden Tree Snakes aren't venomous, but this didn't calm Braden down at all. That's because Golden Tree Snakes can fly. Without an airplane. That is creepy as hell.
Braden, like Samuel L Jackson, bravely made a call to air traffic control (to let them know that he was needing to immediately land) right before he pissed himself. I would have probably pissed myself first, called air traffic control using a voice reminiscent of a screaming 12 year old girl right before crashing the plane into the nearest lake in an effort to drown the bastard.
I can only wonder why the snake was really on board. Did Samuel L Jackson need this in the news to help promote the DVD? Maybe the snake was trying to get more flight time under its scales. Or perhaps it wanted to go sky-diving. Or maybe the snake was tired of flying economy class. Regardless, Braden didn't ask.
The local fire department briefly saw the snake after the plane landed, but they were unable to catch it. Which means lurking somewhere in the plane is a flying reptile. A plane that Braden says is grounded until the snake is found.
I can't say that I blame him...if I found a snake on motorcycle or in my car, I would probably never drive it again.
Other places that I would rather not find a snake:
  1. In the toilet...after I sat down.
  2. On a roller coaster. I figure these make me scream enough, no need to add panic induced heart attack to the mix.
  3. In the same drawer as the sex toys. This would make me take a vow of celibacy.
  4. In my bed. Sure, some of my ex's may qualify for this term, but there is something not quite so peaceful about cuddling up with a slithery reptile.
  5. As a prize in my cereal. I love Cocoa Puffs and Lucky Charms but I wouldn't consider myself too lucky the first time one of these creepy crawlers lands in my bowl.
I could have named more situations but the thought just slithered away.

Rabu, 04 April 2012

If This Is Torture, Leave Me Bound In A Sex Shop

Folks, I must admit that I like being restrained. Scarves, belts, tie-down straps, chains - even handcuffs! I especially like the fuzzy kind!
Which is why I am not surprised that a man inside an Orange, Connecticut sex shop had to be liberated from a pair of hand cuffs. I mean, every time I see a pair, I am inclined to put them on without checking to see if there is a key. Because there has to be a key, right?
Apparently, the sex shop didn't have a key...
So, now we have a guy in cuffs, possibly wearing assless leather chaps, handcuffed to a wall on the inside of an Adult Entertainment Store.
Cue the fire department! Of course, firemen don't know anything about locks, but the owners of the sex store thought they could use a chuckle. Imagine being bent over and chained to something while a bunch of big, sweaty men are standing over you giggling. But since this wasn't a remake of Deliverance, the prisoner didn't get his prison movie experience.
At this point I'm sure his wrists were hurting, so they now called in the local Police Department. The officers tried to unlock the cuffs with several keys - after they, too, stopped laughing at the poor pervert.
But alas, it was to no avail...the poor, unnamed man was still stuck.
Then taking a page from the Dominatrix Handbook, police broke out the bolt-cutters. I wonder if the officers made him beg permission to be freed, before lightly slapping his ass with a riding crop?
Surely though this isn't the most embarrassing way to have cops called while visiting a sex least he wasn't using any of the toys. Talk about "Good Vibrations."
I just want to know why he put on the all metal cuffs. I mean, he is a bit of a sadist. Unless you are a police officer of some kind, you don't need these! What else was he buying that day: some rope, some duct tape, and some chloroform? I think they should have looked at missing persons reports and find out if this guy was nearby any of them.
Officers weren't sure if he was forced to pay for the broken cuffs, but I am sure that he did - in the form of his pride and dignity.

Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Airway To Heaven

One pilot took the idea of "God as his co-pilot" a bit too literally which resulted in mutiny aboard a Jet Blue aircraft. Clayton Osbon, 49, apparently lost his mind and the crew and passengers had to take him down.
It's not like flying is stressful these days - long lines, baggage fees, potential terrorist sitting across from you, and the crew reassuring you that every bump is in fact not the plane coming down. So, I can't understand why the passengers abroad Flight 191 were so upset that their Captain was running up and down the aisles screaming about going to meet Jesus. They were in Texas after all, and doesn't everyone in Texas want to go be with God?
Things for the Captain started off pretty crappy...he was late for work and missed the pre-flight meetings. Then once they got in the air, he tried to talk to his co-pilot about their flight to Las Vegas. He was telling his co-pilot "Vegas is full of sinners" and "we aren't going there." He was just trying to look out for the spiritual welfare of his passengers! He told his co-pilot that his church had given him "focus." When Osbon told the co-pilot that terrorists were everywhere and that they "should take a leap of faith" because "things just don't matter", his co-pilot decided to take the Captain down.
Now I ask you, why would you mutiny against such a sensible man? The co-pilot told the Osbon to get up and walk around to clear his head. Once out of the cockpit, the Captain began running up and down the aisles screaming about "the new flight plan to visit Jesus." This naturally freaked everyone out, because no one really wants to hurry and meet Jesus... So the now freaked out passengers were happy to aide the co-pilot in his revolution. The Captain, knowing that if he wanted to take everyone to see Jesus he would need to be flying the plane, tried to return to the cockpit but found the door locked - because another pilot on board had rushed into the cockpit and locked him out. The Captain became enraged and began beating on the door screaming about marshmallows and kamikaze bears. He was overheard also screaming at his mutinous crew "You better pray now for Jesus f***ing Christ!"
When the co-pilot spoke into the intercom asking the passengers to restrain the pilot, the passengers punched Osbon in the face and left him zip-tied in coach. During the melee a flight attendant was hurt and the whole time Osbon accused the passengers of being part of the 9/11 conspiracy and how "Iran to Jesus" and more nonsense than a Dr Seuss story.
I don't know what is worse, being relieved from command or being forced to fly coach.

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

This Is SO Alien To Me

Folks..what will you be doing when the world ends? If the Mayans are right and the sun sets for the final time on December 21st, 2012, will you spend those last moments huddled up with people you love? And (still assuming they are correct) knowing the end is coming, what will you do to prepare?
If you are one of the New Age hippies flocking to the Pic de Bugarach, you'll spend these last days rock climbing - naked.
Because let's face it, the world is surely coming to an end. We know this because everyone, from Jesus to that crazy homeless guy who asked you for quarters, has been telling us this! Because there are signs everywhere! They are in all shapes, sizes, and colors - I like the new one for Starbucks!
Which brings us back to the hippies...See Pic de Bugarach, the upside-down mountain, is the supposed inspiration for Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth. But instead of finding dinosaurs and proto-humans, the mountain is actually a garage. For space people. From galaxies far, far away. Who will be returning to rescue their faithful on - you guessed it: December 21st, 2012!
So, now over 20,000 hippies have invaded this town of only 200 people - which has the local residents up in arms! Sure, the smell of marijuana drifting down the mountain isn't so bad, and neither are the sweet campfire songs about love and peace, and sure they are boosting the local economy...but when a resident accidentally stumbles across 20,000 naked hikers - well, those people need to go!
Add some accusations of strange rituals to the naked mountain treks and the only sign you have is that your new neighbors are part of a cult. Of course, the mountain has always drawn strange people. Steven Spielberg supposedly went there and came away with the idea for "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." Hippies have  flocked to the mountain since the 1960's because it "emits strange magic rays."
The mountain is unusual because the top of the mountain is actually older than the base. Scientists think this is because a volcano erupted under it and sent the peak flying into the air and when it landed: it did so upside down. The Hippies say this is rubbish and the reason beyond the geological discrepancy is because a race of super aliens used older rocks on the top. I guess those kinds of conclusions require a scientific method that has the control group hitting acid.
Their alien masters are supposedly asleep inside the mountain. I guess they must have told the Mayans when they planned to set their alarm, because the Hippies believe the aliens will wake up on December 21 and gather all of their "children" into their spacecraft. I have read enough science fiction to know that when aliens gather people up, it isn't to save them from themselves - it's to save them for dinner! It's called stocking up your larder! I say we prepare for an invasion of Purple Space Bears from Uranus!
The mayor, Jean-Pierre Delord, has requested help from the French army  (whether it is because he feels riots will take place when the world is still here on December 22nd or he fears a mass suicide) is unknown.
He is quoted as saying, "After this over, I think we will throw a big party with wine and cheese."
Maybe that is the right idea...after all, it's not uncommon to see naked people dancing once you introduce alcohol to the equation.

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Getting To Work Costs An Arm And A Leg

We have all done things to get out of work. Some of us have faked illnesses. We call our bosses and hoarsely whisper that we have the Bulgarian Monkey Pox and are too sick to come in. Some of us fake tragedies - like the 8th funeral of our Me-Maw. But one man in Vienna...chopped off his own foot.
An as yet unnamed 57-year-old man in Austria decided the best way to avoid returning to work would be to make himself unemployable. See, the man had been living on unemployment for the past year or so and he decided this is a sweet gig. So, just hours before meeting with the unemployment office to determine whether or not he was fit to go back to work, he held his left leg up against the electric saw in his workshop. Then because he couldn't think of anything better to do with his now severed foot, he tossed it into the oven. I wonder if he planned to serve it up medium well?
Then while bleeding profusely, he hobbled out of his garage to call 911. I think if he can do all that while bleeding everywhere then he is more than capable of working at McDonald's. He apparently already knows how to operate a stove and cutting utensils!
My question is: "What could someone have done to get out of work that didn't involve amputating a leg?"
Would a note from his mother have excused him from his interview that day?
Or could he have used one of the traditional excuses of contracting the Monkey Pox while attending Me-Maw's wake?
Or maybe the problem is that his solution wasn't drastic enough!
So I have come up with sure fire ways to prove you aren't fit to work anymore.
1. Gain a lot of weight. You should become morbidly obese. I mean, you should need Jerry Springer to forklift your ass out of bed. This way no one would ever believe you were capable of actual work!
2. Call the employment office and tell them a Shetland Pony is standing on your pubic bones. Then Photoshop a picture of a horse standing on you. E-mail that picture and tell them to call animal control to help you get that  "shitty pony off [your] pelvis."
3. Get arrested. A lot. By being naked in public. This will show future employers that you don't like clothes. Show up at your interview wearing only a smile..and some socks, because let's face it - your feet are gnarly.
4. Develop a Tic. Like randomly shouting "Jesus" or "Donkey-f***er" sporadically in conversations - not only with other people but with yourself! Or maybe a physical tic - like randomly twitching and staring at the person your talking to! Maybe bob your head a little and act like you're trying to give that person the crazy eyes. I don't know of too many prospective employers who would want you dealing with customers if you exhibit any of these.
5. Daily Hygiene. As in: stop it. For the entire time you are on unemployment, stop bathing. Also, don't wear any colognes or deodorants. When you finally are forced to visit the employment office, bring a bottle of FeBreeze with you. Tell them that it really works in making you smell fresh. When they tell you that you need to bathe, tell them it is against your religion and if they ask what religion tell them you are a member of the Church of Satan.
6. Tell them you are a member of the Church of Satan. I think this one doesn't need any further explanations.
7. Talk in rhymes. Speak as if you exist in a Dr Seuss novel. You should answer always in rhyme. You should constantly ask the time. You should make sure they know. You should tell them it is time to go. Take a boat for a row, own a yard that you mow? Surely the goat will live by the moat and you can lead a herd full of turds into the sun..okay I'm done.

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

O B G Y - am I in here again?

Like many Americans, I find going to the gynecologist uncomfortable. But over the past couple of days, I have been exposed, in varying degrees, to the wonderful world of Obstetrics and gynaecology.
Let's start with my trip to the delivery room. Normally, if a guy is hanging out in the delivery room, he's there because the condom broke - secretly wishing Maury Povich would pop out of the bathroom screaming, "Not the father!" But I had no such secret wishes, because I was in the wrong room. I didn't realize my mistake until half-way through videoing the experience and the nurses threw me out. I thought Karen looked a lot more tan than I remembered!
Making my way to Craig and Karen's room, I paused to reflect on my own memories of my sons birth. I was freaked out because his head looked like a football and he was the color of grape jam! I knew that Craig would be feeling similarly and so I walked in prepared to offer solace to my old, dear friend.
It wasn't long into my lecture on proper use of birth control before the nurses threw me out of this room, too.
The nerve of some people...
So anyways, an hour later and my dear friends welcomed little Kenzie into the world. I left knowing that sleep would be a thing of the past for these two, and also knowing that I would return the next day to meet little Kenzie for the first time.
The next day, I accompanied my girlfriend to an OBGYN appointment. We were there to ensure that we didn't have an unexpected bundle of joy introduced into our equation - by getting an IUD. I had offered to accompany her into the back as moral support, but I assumed she would have me wait in the waiting room.
As I sat down, this young, pregnant black girl gravitated over to us. As Jo checked in, this girl smiled and nodded and sat down. Jo turned around and saw our new "buddy."
My beautiful, expressive girlfriend looked at me as if to ask "why the hell did you pick a seat to wait next to the only other person in the office?"
But before I could give a look that would have said, "I feel the exact answer to query is much too in-depth to be given via facial expression alone," the girl began to ask us questions.
Without even a warm up question, she looked Jo in the eye and asked her if she was pregnant. Not wanting to be rude, but also not wanting to encourage conversation, Jo merely answered with a curt "no."
Undaunted, or perhaps taking Jo's answer as an invitation to chat, the girl began to tell us her life story.
She also told us that we should be pushing out babies like an assembly line in China makes cheap electronics.
We sympathized with the girls plight of having two kids already that were being raised by her mother, but tried our best to dissuade any further discussions.
When the nurse came out to call Jo back, I immediately jumped up and said "that's us!"
Jo merely looked at me comically as we went back into the examination room.
Once back there, she asked "what the hell were you thinking sitting next to someone like that." I then told her how the girl meandered over to me after I had already sat down. The inappropriate talker apparently needed someone to vent with. Perhaps she wouldn't have needed to vent had she gotten an IUD after her second child was born...
The Doctor came in to perform the procedure and we all shared a laugh at the inappropriate talkers expense.
As the procedure started, I marveled at the fact that I was still conscious. I watched her poke and prod and I almost came close to saying that the IUD would be unnecessary because after witnessing such a thing, I didn't think I could ever have sex again.
In mere moments the event was over and we were ready to leave. The Doctor looked at us as she left saying, "The IUD is effective immediately, you two enjoy your weekend."
You know what...after what I witnessed...I may never enjoy a weekend again...